Squier CV '70s Jaguar, LRL, 3TS
Squier CV '70s Jaguar, LRL, 3TS
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The Classic Vibe ‘70s Jaguar® turns up the volume on retro style and produces incredible tone courtesy of its dual Fender-Designed alnico single coil pickups. Small hands will appreciate the short 24” scale length and slim, comfortable “C”-shaped neck profile with an easy-playing 9.5”-radius fingerboard and narrow-tall frets. This Jaguar is faithful to the original with a vintage-style tremolo system for expressive string bending effects and floating bridge with barrel saddles for solid string stability. This throwback Squier model also features 1970s-inspired headstock markings, rich-looking nickel-plated hardware and a slick vintage-tint gloss neck finish for an old-school vibe.

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