Korg Metronomur, MA-2-BKRD
Korg Metronomur, MA-2-BKRD
Vanligur prísur
250,00 kr
Vanligur prísur
250,00 kr
prísur per stk
MVG íroknað
3 stk á goymslu
Finnur ikki møguleikar fyri avheinting í løtuni.
- Tempo range: 30 bpm to 252 bpm
- Tempo settings: PENDULUM step, FULL step, TAP tempo
- Beat Range: 0–9 beats
- Quarter notes, eighth notes, triplets (straight triplets, triplets with inner beat omitted, triplets with the third beat omitted), sixteenth notes (quadruplets, quadruplets with middle beats omitted, quadruplets with the third and fourth beats omitted).
- Tempo accuracy: ±0.02%
- Reference Tone: C4 (261.63Hz) to B4 (493.88Hz) 1 octave
- Calibration range: A4=410Hz to 480Hz (unit: 1Hz)
- Tone accuracy: under 1cent
- Connections: Headphones jack (3.5mm stereo mini jack)
- Speaker: Φ15mm piezo speaker
- Power Supply: Two AAA batteries, 3V
- Battery Life: Approx. 100 hours (when using zinc-carbon batteries), Approx. 400 hours (when using alkaline batteries), (tempo 120, 4 beats, and max volume)
- Dimensions (W x D x H): 100 ✕ 60 ✕ 16 mm / 3.94” x 2.36” x 0.63”
- Weight: 68 g / 2.40 oz. (including batteries)
- Included Items: Two AAA alkaline batteries for verifying operation

G.G.! Um vøran ikki er á goymslu kann munur vera á prísinum, tá vøran aftur kemur á goymslu.
Um vøran ikki er á goymslu er veitingartíð vanliga í millum 2 og 3 vikur.